Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kaelyn is WALKING!!!

So, Miss Kaelyn took her first steps at Daddy's birthday party on Friday, Sept. 12th! We kind of thought it was an accident, but then as the weekend went on, she was walking more and more. She will walk between Jer and I, from the couch or chair to me, and walk towards me as I move backwards away from her. Yesterday I was facing away from her and turned around to see her walking from a bar stool in the kitchen to the coffee table in the living room! She has probably taken a total of 8-10 steps in a row before sitting herself down, or falling. :) She is starting to walk on her own initiative, and not just when we stand her up and say, "Come here." It won't be long before she is running all over the place!!
Here's a quick video of her walking towards me. It's hard to get her set up, and get her to walk towards me, all while taking a video, but hopefully it gives you a good idea of her walking skills! :)

1 comment:

Claire said...

She does SUCH a good job! Yeah for Kaelyn!!