Sunday, June 28, 2009

Potty Learning

I wanted to write about this here mostly to document it for ourselves - Kaelyn pooped on the potty for the first time on Thursday, June 25th!! (Sorry, no pictures!) The reason I am calling it pottly learning as opposed to potty training is because she really is learning to go on the potty all by herself. It is nothing that I have taught or trained her to do at this point. In fact, with a newborn now, it's not something I'm really ready to jump into. I hadn't planned to work on it at all until the fall, but, it seems she is about ready!

K has been sitting and peeing on the potty at least once every day for the past 2-3 weeks. We started letting her sit on the potty when we change her diaper and then she started actually going to the bathroom on a regular basis while sitting on the potty. But, on Thursday morning, Jer and I were getting her ready for the day and he let her sit on the potty. She went out into her bedroom and said, "Book", and got a book to read. :) She went back and sat on the potty and when she stood up there was a big poop in the potty!! We were absolutely amazed, and of course gave her lots of praise for it. This little girl continuously amazes us in the ways that she is learning and growing every day! And it seems I will be potty training her, or she will be potty learning, sooner than we anticipated!

More pics of K and B to come soon!

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