Friday, August 1, 2008

Kaelyn's First Words!!

Kaelyn has been saying "dada" for the past few weeks and we have been encouraging her that it means daddy, and who it is associated with. We were not sure if she really knew what she was saying or what it meant. Well, on Wednesday night she was crawling toward Skiba and saying "daie", and I said to Jer, she's telling the dogs to die!! We laughed, but she kept saying it, and then it hit me - she was saying "doggie" just without the gg's!! So as far as we can tell, dada and doggie are Kaelyn's first words! I'm a little disappointed that she still doesn't say mama, but I know it will happen soon enough! I'll have to take a picture of Kaelyn with the dogs to put up here, I just don't have one yet. She really loves her doggies! :)

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