Sunday, March 9, 2008

Just Some Cute Pics!

So, obviously as first time parents we love to take pictures of Kaelyn and we wanted to share some of those with you. Here are some of our favorites from the last 4 1/2 months of loving Kaelyn.

Just Born

First Bath
With Daddy

First Day of Life

Going Home


Hello? Practicing for when I get my first cell phone

My favorite way to sleep


Nakie (almost) Time

Lil' Pumpkin Patch

Sleeping Beauty

First Christmas with Snuggle Bunny Rae

Getting So Big

Made You Smile :)

Big Eyes

Pondering myself in the mirror

Getting ready to recite my favorite Shakespeare

Just Cute!

Daddy wants me to be an Irish fan
I am so silly!
I am sure there will be more as Mommy and Daddy love to show that
I am the cutest baby in the world! :)


SMcClements said...
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SMcClements said...

Grammie Susan agrees she is soo cute!!!