My mom, mother-in-law and sister threw me a very fun shower for my girlfriends. Here are some highlights...

My pregnant friend Joy is in the background. We've gone through our pregnancies together and she had her little girl on Sept. 15th. Now it's my turn!

We played a game where we had to cloth diaper a stuffed animal - blindfolded! I don't think I'm going to be a very good mom - I stuck the pin through the bunny's skin! Oops! :)

I got some really cute stuff - of course lots of clothes and lots of pink!
Also good friends of ours threw Jer and I a couples shower for all of our couple friends. Here's a few pictures from that...

All kinds of cute stuff! The sweater on Jer was knitted by his mom.

Keith and I have EXACTLY the same size bellies - he won the prize for guessing with a piece of string how big I was around. All he did was measure his own waist and it happened to be exactly the same as mine!

Our beautiful (and YUMMY!) cake.