Kaelyn is growing right into her terrible/terrific two-year old self! Sometimes it seems like she is 2 going on 20! :) She brings both great joy and much frustration to us as parents, and we are trying to learn and figure out as we go, what to do with such an independent, strong-willed and intelligent child. Although she has her terrible moments, she can also be so sweet, compassionate, loving and caring when she wants to be. She is becoming more and more independent each day and it is fun to watch her grow and learn.
She recently started picking out her clothes each day. She is quite opinionated about what she wants to wear or not wear. Most days I just let her wear whatever she wants because it really doesn't matter much. It's kind of funny to see what she picks out. Here is a particularly colorful outfit she picked out the other day. :)
Also, Kaelyn has been sleeping in a big girl bed for 2 weeks now. (Pics to come soon!) I actually can't believe how easy the transition has been, because I was pretty nervous about it. It almost seems like so much longer than that, but it just seems so normal now. She is really good about just sitting in her bed and reading her books when she wakes up - it's pretty cute.
And B got his second tooth this past Saturday, Feb13th. So he's got both bottom teeth now and he still has such a sweet smile. (Pics of this coming soon too!)
Kaelyn and Brenden are also becoming better and better friends. Brenden always wants to know where his sister is and what she's doing. They can "play" together as they sit on the floor. Kaelyn spins Brenden around in his exersaucer and sings "Ring Around the Rosie." And they laugh and laugh at each other. There is something so sweet and beautiful about the love of siblings.
K likes to climb in B's bed with him when he wakes up from his nap.
They have so much fun playing in the bath together. They love to splash and "swim" and snuggle in their towels when they're done!
Our hadsome bathing buddy!
I love that our kids are growing up being so comfortable around animals. Skiba loves to lay around wherever the kids are playing.
We went to a local children's museum, Healthworks, for playgroup one week. They painted Kaelyn's face and she thought she was so cute. Of course she was!
Jer's parents gave us a bird feeder for our front window for Christmas. Instead of attracting beautiful birds, it has attracted one fat squirrel. I watch my friend's son twice a week and he and Kaelyn LOVE watching the squirrel. What's crazy is that the squirrel has gotten so comfortable that even when they are banging on the window it just stays and keeps eating. I kind of think it's taunting them, like, 'I know you're there, but you can't really get me, so I don't have to leave.' Hopefully we'll get some pretty birds this spring!